Our thoughts on all things MEL, systems thinking, systems change, celebration and joys
Empowering Change Observers: The Role of Social Science Citizens and Impact Logs
Applying the principles of citizen science to social change - capturing ‘instances of impact’ as they arise in ’
Getting your (data) house in order: Time for a seasonal clean?
Let’s reduce data clutter! Musings on how we might do quant data cleaning better in the non-profit world - lets maximise all our time, and be thoughtful in what data we collect, how we collect it and what we do with it.
Empowering Children through Informed Consent: Lessons from a Piercing Specialist
What it truly means and takes to get informed consent from children - examples from a piercing specialist contrasted against consent for a school-based evaluation
What my daughters graphic novels have taught me about evaluation storytelling
Examining my prejudice against my daughter reading graphic novels while considering how I use stories and images in my evaluation work and reporting
Practising what we preach: our reflection and learning for 2022
How we reflect and learn from our practice, including feedback from clients we’ve worked with in 2022. Putting into practice what we preach!
Work as a theory of change: Working in the ‘new normal’
How our work is changing in the ‘new normal’. Work - and life - is messy, and looks far more like a theory of change with multiple pathways, cross-links, double backs and unknowns, then the deceptively simple, and ultimately unrealistic, project logic.
Celebrating Evaluation
Sharing and celebrating evaluation findings with food, wine and good times
Marie Kondo & organisational evaluation and learning
Using the ‘epic cleaning sweep’ to create space for organisations re-focus on strategic evaluation and learning